Meridith Rokosz
is honored with a Brick from Francis and Ingrid Rokosz (Mom & Dad)
Meridith Rokosz is honored in the WSU Plaza of Heroines by her proud parents, Ingrid and Frank Rokosz, both former faculty members at WSU.
Meridith was born in Wichita, and she attended Catholic and public schools within the city, ultimately graduating from Heights High School in the year 2000. At first, she attended WSU as an exercise science student; but, she transitioned to the respiratory therapy program at KU Med Center in Kansas City, graduating in 2005. As an RT student, she co-authored an article in the professional journal Nursing Management. Over the years, she has worked at several university hospitals around the country, with the University of Kansas, Stanford University, and UCLA being the most prominent. In 2013, Meridith returned to Wichita to enroll in the accelerated nursing program at WSU from which she graduated in 2014. She is currently a cardiac nurse in a hospital in the Kansas City area.
Meridith loves her animals – two dogs, a cat, two sugar gliders, and two bunnies. She considers them to be her children. And, she has traveled quite a bit for someone in her 30’s, having been to Paris, Grenada, Los Angeles, Austin, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Dallas, Phoenix, San Antonio, Washington, D.C., New York, Philadelphia, Tampa, New Orleans, Chicago, San Diego, and Baltimore. She has also attended three Army-Navy football games with her Navy-fan father.
Meridith is a proud contributor to the nascent Notre Dame Cathedral restoration project. The cathedral burned on April, 15, 2019, a date that will live in history.
April 17, 2019